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  • The MBTI Personal Impact assessment has 8 application sections that describe your strengths and challenges. Each offers suggestions for developing awareness and effectiveness. This assessment delivers personalized tips for positive change and helps you clearly understand the impact of personality type in key areas of life.

  • MBTI Step I is a powerful, versatile personality type assessment that provides the foundations for a deep understanding of personal motivations and group interactions. The Step I™ instrument provides one of 16, 4-letter type codes, which describe aspects of an individual's personality.


  • The Step II™ instrument provides results for a person's four-letter type but also includes the more detailed information on the facets. It can be administered to people who already know their four-letter type who have the desire (or opportunity) to explore their type in more depth.


  • Team training sessions can cover topics including Change Management, Conflict Management, Leadership and Team Development, Decision-Making and Communication.

Sample Reports


<<Sample Report >>

SDI Team Composite (pdf)

<<Sample Report >>

SDI Team Composite (pdf)

Sample Reports
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